Tag Archives: camden

More on Metzgar’s “Reporter”

Premiering at Sundance this week, Eric Daniel Metzgar’s new film is attracting quite a bit of attention in Park City and online.  Already acquired by HBO, it could be because at this point with two acclaimed works under his belt, Metzgars work is highly anticipated.  As a filmmaker he continues to push the boundaries of nonfiction filmmaking as an art form, using stunning cinematography and single person narration as an opportunity to share his ability as a poet.

It could aslo be the subject matter.  Metzgar follows two-time Pulitzer Prize winning renowned NYT journalist Nicholas Kristof through the Congo, covering the genocide AND the current state of journalism.

It could also be the fact that the film has acquired quite a well-known Exec. Producer, Ben Affleck.  Affleck has long been an advocate for ceasing the genocide in Eastern Congo and his star power will no doubt help with publicity.

And its most likely a combination of all three.  But we couldn’t be more excited.  This film will shed new light on a intense subject and I for one am very excited to hear what Metzgar has to say.

Trailer below.  Nice interview with Eric Metzgar at Sundance here.   Review from IndieWire here.

This is going to be great and I look forward to catching it somewhere on the circuit soon.

It also gets me thinking about celebs’ roles in nonfiction filmmaking.  With Joaquin Phoenix supposedly switching gears to a career in hip hop and his brother-in-law, Casey Affleck directing a documentary about his switch from film to music and Casey’s brother Ben working on docs….whose working on fictional narratives??  The formula does seem to work…Remember last years acclaimed doc Crawford?  The film had an Advisory Board consisting of such A-list celebs as Ted Danson  and Jake Gyllenhaal, and had quite a run ending with an exclamation point on Hulu.com.   More on the rise of A-list celebs getting behind non-fiction here.

A New Theatre? How are we ever going to save the Art House?

Rumors are abound that the old 5 and 10 store in Camden will once again act as a movie theatre.  For people that can remember, this once thriving cinema held the premier of such films as Peyton’s Place.  Now, as a business closes its doors a group of community members are banding together to create a non-profit organization that will run the theatre.  All of us here at CIFF are all for this and completely understand what a new cinema can do to revitalize a town.  (I also have some fond memories growing up there, running around the aisles and playing in the old projector booths.  My grandfather ran the 5 & 10 there for many years.)

The old theatre in Camden

The old theatre in Camden

Seems as if there are more and more towns just like Camden doing this same thing.  Nantucket has been working on getting their non-profit Dreamland up and running for quite some time now, but progress is being made. No doubt the new Dreamland will be state of the art, and a great addition to the island.

So the real question is can a theatre compete in this day and age as a non-profit community organization? One would have to look no further then Brookline, MA very own Coolidge Corner Theatre to see that this is a viable option.

For those attending Sundance this year, there will be an Art House Convergence where a new world of film exhibition will be discussed. Our good friends at Railroad Square are 1 of 14 cinemas that have been selected to represent the Sundance Film Fest Art House Mission.

Will this model work? Seems like people are getting sick and tired of spending quality movie time in rundown theatres. Good luck to the Camden Cinema Committee, it’s going to be a long road but one that looks like its well worth it.

Hello Doc Lovers!

Welcome to the official Camden International Film Festival blog.  Here you can keep up with all things documentary, discuss themes and issues from former CIFF alums or just rant about how you’re going to fill that void in your heart now that CIFF 08 has passed.  You can also check here for info about off-season screenings and other art/cultural events from the CIFF community.  Check back often.

The  09 Festival Season is right around the corner, stay on top of the industry’s emerging talent right here!