Tag Archives: carol varney

Maine represents at T/F

It’s become somewhat of an annual thing for a group of Mainer’s to attend the True / False Film Festival. Spearheaded by Space co-founder, Jon Courtney, this motley crew consists of filmmakers, journalists, programmers and lovers of film. Of course CIFF (Director, Ben Fowlie and Points North Producer, Dominic Musacchio) were there to check up on a few titles for next years festival and once again, documentaries hippest festival did not disappoint. We’ll have much more on a number of films from the festival as CIFF gets closer, but in the meantime check out BAVC’s latest blog post by Maine native, and T/F participant, Carol Varney. She does a wonderful job running down the films that struck gold with the Dirigo Crew. Here is what festival co-director Paul Sturtz had to say: “Somehow the Maine contingent, led by the Space Gallery’s Jon Courtney, gets bigger and bigger with each year. Little known fact: I only wore Space Gallery T-shirts on T/F weekend, a silent homage to our Maine friends, who quite simply “get” the festival as much as anyone.”

Click here to read the entire blog post.