Tag Archives: texas

SXSW Countdown Begins II

As promised, more info on some films that will be premiering at SXSW next week that we are VERY excited about catching. Films below come from the Feature Documentary Showcase where our good friends Aron Gaudet and Gita Pullapilly will be premiering their film, THE WAY WE GET BY. All films are up for some serious awards and I’m sure you’ll be hearing tons more about them all over the next few months.

MINE: Taken by Katrina(Could possibly be one of the most moving films of the year. Nothing pulls on the heart strings like a family and their dog. Very interesting take on the lasting effects of the Katrina disaster.)

Sons of a Gun(been hearing tons about this film since its work in progress screening last year at T/F!!)

45365(Two brothers, one film. A meditative look at middle America. I’m a sap for anything minimalist so this seems like it will be right up my alley.)

Garbage Dreams(this film seems to be popping up on several festival schedules over the next few months. Beautiful cinematography for such a “dirty” subject. Looking forward to hearing more of the score as well)

SXSW Countdown Begins

Waking up this morning to new snow and more cold weather confirmed my readiness to head to the Lone Star State for SXSW. Besides dozens of films, musical acts and friends I’m looking to see, 80 degree weather is also a perk that tops on my list. Trying to see everything is going to be a challenge especially since it involves sitting in a theatre during the best weather I’ve seen in over six months. Thankfully there are several films that look extremely captivating. Below are a few trailers that I’m planning on catching and hoping to connect with the filmmakers. This first batch is from the Emerging Visions Program.

The Beetle Queen Conquers Tokyo

Pulling John

Crude Independence

Died Young, Stayed Pretty

Also looking forward to Wake Up, and Trust Us, This is All Made Up (Produced by IFF Boston Programmer Extraordinaire, Adam Roffman!) More tomorrow on Documentary Feature Films and Spotlight Premieres! – Ben